Light therapy is a procedure that works by exposing the skin to ultraviolet light in order to treat skin diseases such as dermatitis, eczema, and even psoriasis. This noninvasive, long-lasting treatment is not painful, but mild side effects may occur.
Side effects of phototherapy include:
- Dry and itchy skin
- Redness and discomfort, similar to a sunburn
- Blisters
- Mild folliculitis, inflammation of the hair roots
What is treatment like?
Each phototherapy treatment takes a short amount of time, and full healing will require a regular treatment plan that depends on the severity of your condition. Here at HealthMatrix, we will diagnose the extent of your skin disease and develop a treatment plan that works best for you. Typically, phototherapy treatments are conducted every two to four weeks. There is no downtime or delay for phototherapy to take effect, and after your treatment session you can return to your daily activities.
If you are interested in LED light therapy treatment in Las Vegas, call HealthMatrix today at (702) 254-4444 to schedule a consultation.